Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 1 EOC

My name is Mina Mousavi; I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area where I lived until I graduated high school and moved to Las Vegas. I attended college at the Art Institute of Las Vegas to pursue a career in fashion. I have always felt the need to express myself creatively whether it be through singing, writing or styling, I knew I could never settle for “ordinary”. I have a pretty unique personality and have been either loved or out casted for it my entire life, I take pride in my differences however and when people call me “weird” or “strange” I take it as a compliment. In my eyes if an object is weird then it must be interesting and if a person is strange they must be intriguing and there is never anything dull about that. I find inspiration through sadness mostly and find beauty from things most people would just walk by and not think twice about, I believe that everyone should be free to express themselves without being judged, with that being said I also believe that our strongest self expression comes from with in each of us and shines in our personality, though what we wear is a huge part of self expression it is also a means of conformity no matter what your style is.

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